Your home is an investment of time and money. It is also the place you’ll spend most of your free time with your family. Taking care of your house and property is part of your job as a homeowner. You’ll help maintain, and maybe even improve, your home’s value when you perform regular maintenance and upgrades. Here are a few easy ways to be a better homeowner.

Be a Better Homeowner

Focus on Energy-Efficiency

There are a number of ways to be environmentally conscious and save money when it comes to your home. Follow these steps to be more energy-efficient and you’ll reduce your energy bills.

Start with your kitchen. If any of your current appliances need to be replaced, purchase ENERGY STAR certified appliances. Look at ways to reduce your water usage. In the bathroom, switch out your toilet, faucet, and showerhead to low-flow, water-saving products.

Another step to improve energy-efficiency is to check the insulation in the attic and confirm it’s sufficient for your climate. Make sure all windows and doors seal properly and replace weatherstripping as needed.

Learn Maintenance Skills to Be a Better Homeowner

As a homeowner, it’s good to have basic skills and tools to complete simple maintenance tasks on your own rather than relying on a professional. Not only will this save money, but you’ll be proud of your skills and accomplishments.

Learn about routine home maintenance, such as changing air filters and cleaning your dryer vent. Also, learn how to make simple repairs around the house. Clear out the gutters on a regular basis and install gutter guards and extenders to your downspouts. Keep records and receipts of all the repairs you make for potential tax breaks later.

Organize Home Inventory Records

Being a better homeowner also includes keeping an accurate inventory of the items in your home. You will need these records for your insurance company if you ever experience a burglary or natural disaster. Include coins, art, jewelry, and any other types of valuables on your inventory list.

House protection plans beyond your regular homeowners insurance often require documentation on appliances and equipment in the home before they will pay for a replacement. With a good inventory system, you will always have this information on hand.

Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Sprucing up your home’s curb appeal not only attracts potential buyers, but it also beautifies the neighborhood. Ideas for improving curb appeal include painting your front door, pruning trees and bushes, making updates to the front porch, planting flowers, and pressure washing sidewalks and the driveway.

Protect Your Home

As a homeowner, you’ll invest a lot into your home, inside and out. Protect that investment, your belongings, and your family members by installing a security system. Smart security systems include cameras that send notifications to your mobile phone.

For added safety, install smoke detectors throughout the house and test the batteries monthly. Get the community involved by starting a neighborhood watch program that helps make the area safer for all residents.

Kelleher Home Inspections serves the Greater Las Vegas area, including Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and Pahrump. Contact us to schedule an inspection.