Kelleher Home Inspection Services
Kelleher Home Inspections offers professional home inspection services to the greater Las Vegas area, complying with the State of Nevada’s excellent Standards of Practice. Our inspections are performed with quality in mind, relying on an extensive background in the construction industry and a rigorous attention to detail to provide the best service possible.
General Home Inspection
Our buyer’s inspection involves a non-invasive assessment of most visible and readily accessible components of a home. We always invite you to attend your inspection, and we welcome any questions afterward — even if they’re asked over the phone weeks later!
We inspect all of the following:
- Roofing
- Structural Components
- Foundation & Crawl Space
- Attic, Ventilation, Insulation
- Driveways & Walkways
- Porch & Patio
- Exterior (doors, windows, siding, molding, trim)
- Fireplace & Chimney
- Interior (doors, windows, floors, walls, ceilings, stairs)
- Built-In Appliances
- Electrical System
- Plumbing System
- HVAC Systems
We also offer these additional inspection services:

Commercial Property Inspection
Whether you’re looking to acquire a great location for your business or investing in a promising commercial property to rent out, then a professional inspection will be of enormous benefit. Kelleher Home Inspections is able to inspect commercial buildings of any type or size, providing you with a comprehensive assessment of the property’s overall condition.

Seller’s Inspection
So you’re preparing to sell a home, but you don’t want the process to be more stressful than it needs to be. Nor do you want to sell yourself short by having to accept a reduced offer from a buyer due to undisclosed issues. By having your home professionally inspected before you list or close on it, you’re afforded an opportunity to repair or compile a record of any defective components and to approximate the true value of your property.

New Construction Inspection
It’s essential for your new home to be completely finished before you move in. It’s a headache for all parties involved when repairs have to be scheduled when you’re supposed to be comfortable and settled. As construction wraps up on your home, it’s a good time to go ahead and schedule a third-party inspection. We’ll assess the home for any issues that need to be addressed by the contractors before they leave the jobsite for good.

Eleventh Month Warranty Inspection
When you agreed to terms on your new home, it was likely incentivized by a one-year warranty from the builder. Before the warranty on your home expires, it’s a good idea to schedule a comprehensive inspection. We’ll evaluate the installed systems and readily accessible components for any defects that could potentially be covered under the builder’s terms — saving you from having to pay for costly repairs out of your own pocket.

Four-Point Inspection
Many insurers are understandably hesitant to issue a policy on older homes without first being assured that minimum property standards are met. In a Four-Point Inspection, we’ll assess the condition of four critical areas that will typically satisfy an insurer’s requirements, if found to be in acceptable shape — we’ll inspect the HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and roofing systems.

If repairs have been performed on defective components that were identified during our original home inspection, we’ll gladly come back for a re-inspection. We’ll assess the repaired component (or components) to ensure correct and safe installation, so that you can be confident that there are no remaining issues that need to be addressed by a contractor.
Drone Roof Inspection
Many inspectors are unable to provide an accurate evaluation of a roofing system due to inclement weather or other issues with accessibility. By using our remotely operated drone, we can inspect a roof by taking high-resolution photographs and videos even when pitch, damage, or environmental factors prevent a standard inspection.
A Clear Understanding
A home is a substantial investment, and a clear understanding of a property’s condition is imperative for any buyer or seller. Kelleher Home Inspections makes sure that you’re well acquainted with a home before you negotiate a transaction. Contact us today to request your inspection.