If cleaning your home feels stressful, it may be time to declutter. We often have items we rarely use or don’t need. Your belongings can take over your home, causing stress and making it tough to keep a clean house. Here are three steps to declutter your home.

How to Successfully Declutter Your Home

1. Prepare Yourself for Success

Before you dive into decluttering, prepare yourself mentally and physically for the task at hand. You’ll have to accept the reality that you can’t keep everything and still have an organized home. Of course, you can keep things that are important to you. You get to decide what can stay and which items you no longer want or need.

Once you’ve accepted that getting rid of things is part of the process, you’re ready to do the work. This involves sorting items into categories. Use baskets, boxes, or bags for this and label them as things to keep, items to donate, and trash.

2. Declutter Your Home One Room at a Time

Choose a room or a small space to start, and concentrate on just that area. If a room seems overwhelming, pick a closet or drawer to begin the process.

While sorting each shelf, drawer, and cabinet, ask yourself if each item serves a purpose. Also, think about the reasons you purchased items. Do you need all those fancy soaps in the guest bathroom, or will one or two do?

Place items that need to be put away in the box of things to keep. Remove the trash from the house once you’ve filled a bag so it’s not taking up space. Move the donation boxes to the back of your car so you can drop them off next time you run errands.

3. Create a Space for Everything

Get creative with storage options for the things you need or want to keep. Add cabinets, bookshelves, or baskets in rooms as needed. By establishing a place for each item, you’ll know where it goes and will be more likely to put it back after each use. This will make tidying up a room quicker and less stressful.

While the thought of decluttering your home is daunting, the results of actually doing it are well worth it. Your home will be more appealing, orderly, and much easier to clean.

Kelleher Home Inspections offers home inspection services to the Greater Las Vegas area. Contact us to request an appointment.